Public Policy
Centre for Cities
The Centre for Cities is an independent research organisation committed to helping Britain’s cities improve their economic performance. The Centre produces practical research and policy advice for city leaders, local government, the civil service and businesses.

The UK’s economy is driven by the success of its largest cities and towns, which generate opportunities and prosperity for people in all parts of the country. The Centre for Cities, chaired by Nigel Hugill and directed by Andrew Carter, aims to understand how and why economic growth and change takes place in cities, and help the UK’s largest cities and towns realise their economic potential.
The Centre produced rigorous, data-driven research and policy ideas to help cities, large towns and Government address the challenges and opportunities they face – from boosting productivity and wages to preparing for the changing world of work. They also work closely with urban leaders, Whitehall and business to ensure their work is relevant, accessible and of practical use to cities, large towns and policy makers.
The Centre annualy publishes its flagship report, Cities Outlook, an annual index of the economic performance of Britain’s main cities.
In partnership with LSE, they run the What Works Centre for Local Economic Growth, which analyses which policies are most effective in supporting and increasing local economic growth.
Gatsby contributes towards the Centre’s core costs.