Analysis of T-level students' destinations: second cohort
Report and analysis on the destinations of 1,202 T-level students who completed their course in 2023
This is the library of all our published reports and insights.
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Disclaimer: The Gatsby Charitable Foundation commissions and funds research which contributes to the strengthening of the country’s science and engineering skills. The views and opinions presented in the research reports do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Gatsby Charitable Foundation.
Report and analysis on the destinations of 1,202 T-level students who completed their course in 2023
Generative AI, Maths Education and Employability examines how generative artificial intelligence (GAI) can support collaboration between maths and vocational teachers to engage learners by embedding numeracy in vocational contexts.
An analysis of local skills improvement plan progress updates, and interviews with training providers.
Gatsby's update of the Gatsby Benchmarks for good careers guidance for 2024 and beyond.
A report for Gatsby from the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) updating workforce analysis conducted in 2021: using latest Census and Ofqual data to examine workforce dynamics for careers advisers in England.
Modelling the potential routes to delivering Labour’s teacher supply pledge