

Sainsbury Management Fellows scholarship

We fund the Sainsbury Management Fellows scholarship, which helps young engineers with leadership qualities to undertake full-time MBA courses at world-class international business schools.

The overall objective of the scheme is to improve the economic performance of UK businesses by providing a human resource of highly motivated engineers who have complemented their technical qualifications and skills with a first-class business education in an international environment. Since 1987, the scheme has supported over 300 individuals.

Each year £500,000 worth of MBA scholarships are awarded to 10 young engineers with exceptional qualifications and leadership potential. The scholarship enables the awardees to add business, finance and marketing expertise to the diverse skills they gained through their engineering training. The scholarship supports engineers to take on high profile positions, providing essential skills for boardroom roles and to start innovative companies. The scheme is also helping to reposition the image of engineering by encouraging young talent to follow this path.

An active alumni group - the Engineers in Business Fellowship (EIBF, a registered charity) - for previous participants on the scheme means that Fellows have access to an impressive network of professional contacts as well as ongoing activities including networking events, courses, mentoring and career guidance. We provide core funding for the EIBF.