Successes for NHS Estates & Facilities Management offering T Level industry placements
Over the past 12 months, Gatsby has been working with the NHS Estates & Facilities Management (EFM) community to help embrace T Levels into their workforce planning.

Over the past 12 months, Gatsby has been working with the NHS Estates & Facilities Management (EFM) community to help embrace T Levels into their workforce planning.
The NHS England EFM has a rapidly ageing workforce and decreasing number of employees aged 25 and under. Lucy Rowe, NHS England EFM Workforce Lead, is drawing on the value of T Levels to help widen the pool of young talent for the profession. Gatsby’s role has been to facilitate support for EFM leads and Trusts introducing their industry placement models. and sharing key successes of the work so far are outlined in this article.
Raising awareness
With a range of Engineering & Manufacturing and Construction T Levels relevant to EFM there is an opportunity for Trusts to hone their search for talent in areas such as Medical, Biomedical and Clinical Engineering professionals alongside trade occupations such as Electrical and Plumbing. A small network of Trusts and EFM leaders was established, and a series of community briefings took place with Trusts’ EFM and HR representatives. The briefings covered the background and structure of T Levels, industry placement models, and how employers and providers work together throughout delivery of the qualification. A simple mapping exercise highlighted how different T Level pathways progress to common EFM technical roles, for example, via apprenticeships.
Growing a trusted network
The EFM network has rapidly grown with over 50 Trusts and 90 individuals participating by December 2024. Trusts share information and learning to support recruitment to their teams – for example, a recent successful mentor workshop facilitated by an experienced Trust offered guidance, advice, anecdotal feedback, and draft placement documentation to others in the network taking on their first industry placement students, and highlight progression pathways through apprenticeships, employment or further study.
Impact – students on EFM industry placements
By October 2024, an estimated 25 T Level students had undertaken their placements with NHS EFM, and the journey continues to engage the 500 plus Trusts across England. Engagement of the network demonstrates the enthusiasm for this approach and dedication of NHS EFM to support the development of their future workforce.