

Planning for T-levels at Keele University

25 April 2023 Natasha Watkinson

Keele University is taking a proactive approach to planning how T-levels fit to benefit the organisation. We caught up with the team at Keele about areas where the University can offer industry placements, and how it as an employer and a place of study can be involved in students’ next steps on completion of a T-level.

Universities are major employers with a key role in their local communities. A number of institutions are working with their local T-level providers to offer industry placements and to plan how they can support students to make their next steps into employment or further study.

This interview with Andy Cotterill, Head of Global Undergraduate Student Recruitment and Access at Keele University, outlines the developing approach to providing centralised support for teams across the University to engage with T-levels. This strategy emphasises that providing placement opportunities may inspire local students to consider the University for work or study in the future, widening the recruitment pool for technician roles and securing strong relationships with local Further Education providers.

Read the full interview here: