Good Career Guidance benchmarks tested in the North East
A pilot to assess the effectiveness of the Gatsby eight benchmarks for good career guidance has launched in partnership with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (North East LEP) and schools and colleges across the region.

Since the publication in 2014 of the eight benchmarks for good career guidance by Sir John Holman, considerable momentum has built around their use and application. From the newly formed Career and Enterprise Company to Teach First, the Sutton Trust, British Chambers of Commerce and many individual schools, local authorities and Academy Trusts – a consensus is emerging that the benchmarks offer a clear framework for implementing and monitoring a coherent and impactful career guidance programme for all young people.
In order for us to rigorously test the eight benchmarks, identify any barriers and look at how they can be overcome, as well as generate case studies, we have recently commenced a pilot in partnership with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (North East LEP), which includes 13 schools and three colleges, who will be actively testing the implementation of the benchmarks.
Speaking at the launch of the pilot, Sir John said:
“The North East has a very cohesive schooling community, with excellent networks, and is therefore an excellent region in which to run the pilot.
“Careers guidance has a very important part to play in social mobility, which is why I am so interested in it. If young people are not able to access high-quality careers guidance in schools then where else are they going to get it?”
The North East LEP has appointed Ryan Gibson to lead the national pilot. Ryan outlined:
“This is a fantastic opportunity to transform the quality of careers education, not only in the North East but across the rest of the country. High quality, well planned and focused careers guidance should motivate and inspire students to succeed and enable them to make informed decisions about their future.
"It should also give employers the confidence to know that the young people they invest in will have not only the qualifications needed to do the job but also the skills, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes required to be successful in the sector – the chance for the North East to shape this locally and nationally is incredibly exciting.”
To read more from the launch, visit the North East LEP website.
Visit our Good Career Guidance programme page for more details on our work in this area.