Gatsby at the Association for Science Education Conference 2017
The Association for Science Education conference, 4–7th January 2017, provides teachers and those interested in science education an opportunity to discover resources, enhance their subject knowledge and get up to date on the latest policy changes.

Gatsby and partners are holding several sessions at the conference:
Data website launch
Thursday 5th January, 9:30am
SEE Dash, from IOP, RAEng and Gatsby, allows users to explore science and engineering (and other subjects') participation, attainment and progression at and between school, college and university in England.
The National Survey of Practical Work in Science
Thursday 5th January, 9:30am
Durham University will be present emerging findings from aspects of longitudinal research project monitoring changes in the quality and quantity of practical work in school science across the UK. The research is funded by Gatsby with additional support from the Wellcome Trust. The presentation will focus on results from the first year of an annual school survey.
Exploring the role of science in technical education
Thursday 5th January, 3pm
Daniel Sandford Smith and Jenifer Burden from Gatsby will draw on data to explore the prevalence of jobs where a knowledge of science is an advantage and what this means for technical education. Following on from this they will look at the place of science within the fifteen routes for technical education to be introduced with implementation of the government's Post-16 Skills Plan.
STEM Careers Networking Session
Thursday 5th January, 9.30am
Gatsby's Technicians Make it Happen (TMiH) campaign will also have a presence at the conference. Working with the British Science Association, TMiH is launching a photo competition for young people, aged 5-19 years, to help bring technicians into the spotlight.
For more information about these sessions or the ASE conference programme more generally, please visit