

Co-location models growing Digital T-level industry placements

27 November 2024 Natasha Watkinson

Gatsby are pleased to announce support for two organisations to facilitate the growth of Digital T-level industry placements in their regions.

Tech Cornwall and Sunderland Software City are developing projects to increase availability of Digital industry placements. Over two years, each will use their established business networks to invite employers to contribute project work for completion by students located at hub sites.

The industry placement is a crucial part of a T-level, with students required to complete at least 315 hours to achieve their qualification. There are three Digital T-level pathways available: Digital Business Services; Digital Production, Design and Development; and Digital Support Services. Numbers of students enrolled on Digital T-levels have been growing since they were first delivered in 2020.

Industry placements opportunities continue to grow thanks to the work of both providers and employers, who are seeing the benefits that hosting T-level students offers to their business. We also know that sourcing employers to provide sufficient industry placement opportunities to meet student demand can be challenging in localities situated away from large employer bases, or where SMEs and microbusinesses make up a large proportion of the labour market. We are pleased to be working with these partners to explore models that enable more employers to participate.

In these two projects, the lead organisation is providing a workspace away from the provider’s site to give students genuine experience in the workplace, and outside of employer premises that may be restricted by size from hosting students.

Insights from each project will be captured and shared to demonstrate good practice for co-ordinators, businesses and FE providers interested in developing similar models. A report will also share the factors key to the long-term sustainability of the operating models which may be established in other regions.

Jill McKinney, Director of Service Delivery, Sunderland Software City said: “By engaging in the T Level Industry Placement Co-location Pilot, businesses gain direct access to talented, motivated students with up-to-date knowledge and practical skills. This collaboration fosters innovation, addresses skills gaps, and enables companies to nurture and assess potential future employees, all while strengthening connections with local education providers.

Holly Patton, Director, Tech Cornwall said: “We’re excited to collaborate with the Gatsby Foundation on this project to expand Digital industry placements in our region. We hope to see students leaving with enhanced skills, confidence, a knowledge of the opportunities in the sectors and the start of a portfolio of projects for their CV, while businesses we work with will gain fresh perspectives and an opportunity to nurture their future workforce. Together, we believe we can create a framework for fostering talent and innovation for the next generation of the tech sector.

If you are an employer keen to support the growth of digital talent in your region, or a provider looking to explore new opportunities for placements, keep an eye on Gatsby’s technical education newsletter for updates or contact