Revising the Standard Occupational Classification 2010
In April 2016 we submitted a response to the Office for National Statistics on revising the Standard Occupational Classification 2010 (SOC2010). Our submission may be downloaded here.
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In April 2016 we submitted a response to the Office for National Statistics on revising the Standard Occupational Classification 2010 (SOC2010). Our submission may be downloaded here.
A report of research commissioned by Gatsby into school and college leadership teams' experiences of career guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In June 2020, we submitted a response to the House of Commons Education Select Committee enquiry into the impact of covid-19 on education and children's services, focusing on careers and practical science. Our response can be read in full here.
A report, co-funded by Gatsby and The Careers & Enterprise Company, based on a survey of 750 Careers leaders in secondary schools in England which took place in March and April 2019. The role of the Careers Leader is the cornerstone of ensuring that every young person has the career guidance they need. The government’s Careers Strategy recognised the importance of this role and signalled a major shift in the prominence of career guidance in schools and colleges. The schools of the Careers Leaders who participated are broadly representative of all state-funded secondary schools in England, including special schools.
This briefing provides an update on the Gatsby Foundation’s work on securing the next ten years of career guidance for young people.
A report for Gatsby from the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) updating workforce analysis conducted in 2021: using latest Census and Ofqual data to examine workforce dynamics for careers advisers in England.