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Total results found: 85

Embedding the Good Career Guidance benchmarks in schools and colleges

Education > Programme

Good career guidance has never been more important. Changes in technology, the technical education system and in the labour market mean that the jobs available and the skills and qualifications needed to reach them are changing all the time. The COVID-19 pandemic has added further disruption, with a disproportionate impact on young people as they enter the labour market. Many skilled jobs require specific education and training, and young people need more support to make better-informed decisions about their future.

Guidance on online encounters for Gatsby Benchmarks 5 and 6

Education > Latest

Online encounters and experiences that take place between students and employers are happening to a greater extent than ever before due to the Covid-19 pandemic, while face-to-face contact is not possible. The current focus on digital solutions has prompted questions about which online activities count as a meaningful encounter with employers (Gatsby Benchmark 5) and workplace experiences (Gatsby Benchmark 6). The Careers & Enterprise Company and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation have listened to the experiences of schools, colleges and others in the careers community and have used this early learning to provide initial guidance to Careers Leaders. Sir John Holman, author of the report that laid out the Benchmarks writes here about how this guidance stays true to the ethos of the report.

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