Teacher recruitment, retention and development
Gatsby recognises that to achieve our ambitions regarding the supply of STEM skills to the UK workforce, we must ensure that young people are taught by well-qualified and motivated specialists.
Once in secondary education, exposure to effective science and maths teaching delivered by teachers that are knowledgeable and passionate about their subject can be transformative. That is why we care about the supply and training of specialist teachers in these subjects.
School science is important in its own right, but it also acts as a gateway to a wide range of STEM careers, including engineering. Limiting the number of pupils taking science qualifications at school will reduce the level of STEM skills in the UK, causing both skills shortages and a negative effect on the economy.
We have a long legacy of supporting science in secondary schools and colleges; from piloting new approaches to teacher recruitment and professional development, to supporting initiatives which encourage innovation and engaging practical activity in science lessons and STEM clubs.
Our current work in this area falls under two strands, through which we seek to:
In recent years, we have also promoted strong practical science in schools and colleges through the publication of the Good Practical Science report by Professor Sir John Holman, and support for related projects with partners including the Association for Science Education (ASE), British Science Association (BSA) and Institute of Physics (IOP). Exposure to practical science is critical for nurturing students’ curiosity and interest, and developing the skills for science-related and technical careers.
Gatsby recognises that to achieve our ambitions regarding the supply of STEM skills to the UK workforce, we must ensure that young people are taught by well-qualified and motivated specialists.
Over the years, a number of Gatsby-supported programmes have resulted in successful large-scale national initiatives. Through carefully selected partnerships, we aim to deliver lasting outcomes in improved STEM education.
Gatsby advocated for practical science in schools and colleges for over 20 years. In September 2017 we published Good Practical Science by Sir John Holman, which provides a framework for good practical science in schools. Using international visits, surveys and literature reviews, the report developed a series of ten good practical science benchmarks for schools to use when planning their own approach.