Gatsby is a foundation set up by David Sainsbury to realise his charitable objectives

About Gatsby


  • Technicians

    Gatsby funds two important initiatives to showcase and promote the nation's technician workforce and the opportunities technician roles provide

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  • Gatsby Review 2022/23

    We have published our latest review, updating you on our work across all of Gatsby's programmes in 2022/23. Click 'Learn More' below to download the full report.

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  • Sainsbury Panel Report on Technical Education

    In late 2015 government asked David Sainsbury to chair a panel of experts that would provide clear recommendations for measures that would not only improve, but transform, technical education in England.

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  • Sainsbury Wellcome Centre

    We have partnered with Wellcome to establish this research centre, where scientists are using state-of-the-art techniques to investigate how circuits in the brain process information to create neural representations and guide behaviour.

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  • Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge

    The Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge University, opened in 2011, houses 150 scientists, technicians and support staff working at the frontiers of knowledge in plant growth and development to address some of the greatest challenges of the 21st century.

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